Horace Mann's Utopian Vision for Public Education

Horace Mann's Utopian Vision for Public Education

Mann is claiming that the public school system may become “the most effective” and beneficial “of all the forces of civilization.” Why such a bold claim? Mann gives two reasons: (1) The system is universal; and (2) Children are malleable. It is hard to argue with Mann’s reasoning as to the effectiveness of the system. 

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Six Reasons You Should Get Your Kids Out of Public School

Six Reasons You Should Get Your Kids Out of Public School

Let me make a bold statement—Christian parents still willing to send their children to public school are either ignorant or in denial. I am willing to give most people the benefit of the doubt and assume they are in denial. What are they in denial of? The fact that American public schools train children in an atheistic worldview and indoctrinate them with a leftist agenda.

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Are Public Schools Making Us Poor?

Are Public Schools Making Us Poor?

Progressives lament the poverty associated with inner city schools, and they use the situation to argue that the schools need more money. But lack of funding is certainly not the problem, as public schools spend on average more than $12,000 per child. And inner city schools usually spend far more than this. What progressives really ought to be lamenting is that the public schools themselves contribute to poverty

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Public Bathrooms, Sexual Confusion, and Why You Should Leave the Public Schools

Public Bathrooms, Sexual Confusion, and Why You Should Leave the Public Schools

The problem in all this is not bathrooms. The problem is that leftists have become so bent on opposing discrimination that they no longer understand the difference between a man and a woman. The unbelieving culture has become sexually confused. They have steered the car straight into the ditch of irrationality. 

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Privatize All Education!

Privatize All Education!

What I’m trying to say here is that forcing kids to go to public school is the exact opposite of what we should do. The public school system is clearly broken. Instead of trying to fix it by fascist compulsion, we should just get rid of the entire thing. That’s right—privatize the entire educational system

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The Inefficiency of Public Schools (Some Statistics)

The Inefficiency of Public Schools (Some Statistics)

Government interference in education drives up the cost of the product. Don’t believe me? Just look at the statistics. Public schools spend far more per student than private schools, and this doesn’t take into account the fact that public schools pack in more students per classroom (40% more on average). This is proof that the free market works and that government needs to get out of the educational business. 

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Broken Homes, Broken Schools

Broken Homes, Broken Schools

Rarely do people talk about an obvious problem in American education—the breakdown of the family. We are now living in a day when over 40% of children are born to unmarried women. Add to this America’s high divorce rate, and we see that less than half of Americans are raised by both their mom and dad. That’s right, only 46% of kids under 18 are living with two heterosexual parents in their first marriage. Compare that with 73% in 1960.

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Two Bad Arguments for Sending Kids to Public School

Two Bad Arguments for Sending Kids to Public School

Some Christians are simply ignorant of what is going on in our nation's public schools. But there are many Christians who are aware of the situation. So why do they continue to send their children to government schools? The two most common reasons given are: (1) money and (2) missions. But these are bad arguments, so let me address them both.

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The Central Fallacy of Public Schooling

The Central Fallacy of Public Schooling

The Foundation for Economic Education published an article in 1999 titled, “The Central Fallacy of Public Schooling.” The author, Daniel Hager, begins with the story of a publication distributed in public schools in the 1940s that justified America's 20% taxation rate at the time. Hager comments, “The article vividly illustrates the overriding intent of public schooling, which has always been indoctrination of the young.”

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The Secularization of American Public Schools

The Secularization of American Public Schools

Public schools in early America were run by the local community. They were founded by Christians, and teachers prayed in class and used the Bible for instruction. But today, prayer and religious instruction are not allowed in public schools. So what happened? Local schools came under increased state control in the 1800s and were proclaimed to be religiously “neutral.” 

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