Everyone Has a Worldview (Including Teachers)

Christians believe everyone is religious. God designed humans as religious beings, and they will therefore worship something—whether it is God or some idol. Non-Christians do not always appreciate this language, as many of them claim to be non-religious.

We can quarrel about whether atheism or agnosticism is a "religion." But there is no denying that these are still worldviews. Everyone has a way of looking at the world. Everyone has fundamental beliefs about life, and these beliefs are shaped by religious views (or lack thereof).

The four fundamental issues of worldview are (1) origin, (2) meaning, (3) morality, and (4) destiny. Everyone has a belief about where humans and the world came from (origin), what the purpose of life is (meaning), what is right and wrong (morality), and what happens after we die (destiny).

Let’s contrast the fundamental beliefs of the Christian worldview with that of atheism (or what is sometimes masked under the label of "secularism"). 


Origin               God created the world and made humans in His image

Meaning           Humans are made to glorify God and enjoy Him forever

Morality           God’s commands as summarized in the Ten Commandments show us
right and wrong

Destiny             There is a resurrection unto life for the righteous and a resurrection unto
judgment for the wicked


Origin               All creatures evolved from primordial slime over billions of years

Meaning           There is no real meaning in life, but we should seek "happiness"

Morality            Morality is a social construct

Destiny             We cease to exist after we die

The atheistic worldview is not as easy to pin down as the Christian worldview. This is actually an argument made by Christian presuppositionalists against atheism—atheism has no real basis for meaning and morality. In fact, atheists and other “non-religious” persons borrow from the Christian worldview. They usually believe in some sort of higher power and even recognize some basic Christian morality, such as “treat others as you want to be treated” (which is a form of Jesus’ Golden Rule). Atheists are inconsistent in their beliefs. But this is not a surprise. Who could consistently live as if there is no meaning to life? 

Christianity, on the other hand, provides a consistent set of foundational beliefs. It is the only consistent worldview, and without the Christian God, there can be no basis for life, meaning, morality, math, logic, or beauty. In other words, the triune God of Scripture is necessary to the world we live in. 

So what? Why am I pointing out that “everyone has a worldview”? Because it logically follows that there is no such thing as intellectual neutrality. Whether Christian, atheist, or some other religion, everyone has fundamental beliefs about the world. So when someone speaks on history, philosophy, science, politics, or any other subject, that person is biased.

That is why I never say I am “neutral” on a subject. I’m not. The problem is that my opponents often claim they are neutral or objective, as if "secularism" is some neutral philosophy. Scientists who believe in Darwinian evolution claim to be “neutral.” The liberal media claim to be “neutral.” Teachers and professors claim to be “neutral.”

No, no, and no.

No one is neutral. Stop lying about it. Admit you have a worldview, and recognize that your beliefs flow from it.

The atheist scientist is not looking at evidence for and against evolution as a “neutral” observer. Neither is the Christian. Both favor evidence consistent with their worldview. The same is true for politics. Facts do not speak for themselves. They have to be interpreted. And interpretation involves worldview.

All of this has serious implications for education. Teachers are not neutral, and schools are not neutral. So when considering a school for your child, ask yourself—"What worldview is this school teaching?"

You can be certain it is not neutral.