Dabney On Fire: A Theology of Parenting, Education, Feminism, and Government

Dabney On Fire: A Theology of Parenting, Education, Feminism, and Government

In addition to my introductory chapter, Dabney On Fire contains four of Robert Lewis Dabney’s greatest essays, in which he expounds upon the significance of parents, the failure of public schools, the dangers of feminism, and the limits of civil government.

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A.A. Hodge – Public Schools are the "Engine" of Atheism

A.A. Hodge – Public Schools are the "Engine" of Atheism

"It is self-evident that on this scheme, if it is consistently and persistently carried out in all parts of the country, the United States system of national popular education will be the most efficient and wide instrument for the propagation of Atheism which the world has ever seen."

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Six Reasons You Should Get Your Kids Out of Public School

Six Reasons You Should Get Your Kids Out of Public School

Let me make a bold statement—Christian parents still willing to send their children to public school are either ignorant or in denial. I am willing to give most people the benefit of the doubt and assume they are in denial. What are they in denial of? The fact that American public schools train children in an atheistic worldview and indoctrinate them with a leftist agenda.

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Sphere Sovereignty and the Role of Education

Sphere Sovereignty and the Role of Education

The greatest violation of sphere sovereignty today is in the area of education. Throughout history, both the state and the church have claimed responsibility for the role of educating children. However, both of these spheres are mistaken. The responsibility of educating children is a task God has given to parents. Parents have direct authority over their children, as seen in the 5th commandment for children to honor their father and mother. 

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R.L. Dabney on the Unique Responsibility of Parents

R.L. Dabney on the Unique Responsibility of Parents

Parenting has fallen on hard times in our day, as many parents have abdicated the responsibility to raise their children. This is sad because of the monumental influence parents have on their children. No one understood this influence better than R.L. Dabney, the great Southern Presbyterian pastor and theologian.

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"Teach Them Diligently" – A Sermon on Deuteronomy 6

"Teach Them Diligently" – A Sermon on Deuteronomy 6

I want to talk about one of the most pressing issues of our day—education. But rather than invoke the opinions of man on this subject, I want us to look at a very important passage from God’s Word, Deuteronomy 6. God has much to say about parenting and educating our children, and this is one of the central passages on the subject. 

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Broken Homes, Broken Schools

Broken Homes, Broken Schools

Rarely do people talk about an obvious problem in American education—the breakdown of the family. We are now living in a day when over 40% of children are born to unmarried women. Add to this America’s high divorce rate, and we see that less than half of Americans are raised by both their mom and dad. That’s right, only 46% of kids under 18 are living with two heterosexual parents in their first marriage. Compare that with 73% in 1960.

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