Three Options for Teaching Homeschoolers Advanced Subjects

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A common concern among parents exploring the option of homeschooling is that they will not be able to teach their children advanced subjects.

“Sure, I can teach my kid addition and subtraction, but I can’t teach calculus or biology.”

Thankfully, there are several solutions to this problem, mostly owing to the advancement in technology. Whether a parent is concerned about teaching advanced subjects in high school or even elementary subjects, theses aids will help.

So here are three options for teaching homeschoolers advanced subjects:

(1) Internet education
There are lots of great educational resources online. Khan Academy is entirely free and provides K-12 video instruction. I find it is best for math and science. There is also the Ron Paul Curriculum, which for a yearly fee provides an entire K-12 education through video instruction. I am also a huge fan of Liberty Classroom, which offers liberty-minded courses on history and economics. Though designed for adults, it can also be used for homeschoolers at the high school level.

(2) Homeschool groups
A popular option today is for families to enroll in a local homeschool group. These have all the benefits of a school setting minus the drawbacks. Homeschool groups usually follow a university model of education, meaning they offer classes that meet once or twice a week. They can bring in teachers who know a particular subject well, and they make for an efficient classroom. Students meet for an hour or two, and then they do the rest of the work at home. These groups can be found online through Classical Conversations or through a web search for “homeschool groups near [your city] .” Also check with churches in the area. 

(3) Dual enrollment
Many homeschool families also take advantage of dual enrollment in a community college as a way to earn college credit early. This allows students to receive high-level instruction in difficult subjects, such as calculus, chemistry, and the like. Some homeschoolers also dual enroll for particular classes at a local high school, though community colleges obviously provide the benefit of receiving college credit. (Students can also receive college credits through self-study and passing a CLEP exam.) 

So there you have it. No one should ever criticize homeschooling or hesitate over the option because of a lack of opportunity to learn advanced subjects. Between the internet, homeschool groups, and community colleges, homeschoolers can not only meet the standards of their peers in schools—they can also surpass them. Homeschoolers have access to better teachers and can graduate college early if they so choose.