You Don’t Have to Send Kids “Back to School"—The Case for Homeschooling

It’s “back to school” time, as they say. But this does not mean you must send your kids back to the local public school. 

That’s what the government wants you to do. The bureaucrats want you to send your kids to the public (government) schools so they can (1) get more tax money for their bloated budget, and (2) propagandize your children.

But last time I checked, the public schools are not exactly producing the finest product the world has ever seen. The public schools are not providing students with useful skills, such as how to run a business. Nor are they churning out strong writers or history buffs. So what exactly are they teaching at these schools anyway? Whatever it is, it’s not working well.

And this is only to speak about the content of the public schools. The influence of other children may be even worse. Drugs, sexual immorality, violence, you name it. Public schools are probably the worst place your child can be.

Sadly, private schools are not always much better. Like public schools, private schools vary in quality. But private schools have two problems: (1) they still follow the model of kids being in class for seven hours per day, and (2) they are expensive.

So I have a solution for you—homeschooling. Homeschooling has three major advantages over other forms of education:

(1) Homeschooling gives parents more control over their child’s education. Parents can teach from a particular religious and political worldview, and they give their children a strong moral foundation. Parents can tailor a child’s education to his or her interests and strengths, and they can let a child learn at his or her own pace.

(2) Homeschooling gives parents a more flexible schedule. Homeschooling is more efficient than other forms of school, and students can often finish their work in four to six hours. This leaves more time for exercise and other activities (or work!), and allows families to go on more trips and vacations. Furthermore, homeschooling allows parents to spend more time with their kids.

(3) Homeschooling is more affordable than other forms of education. Parents only have to pay for books and materials, including some online subscriptions. Yes, homeschooling does require a parent (usually the mother) to stay at home with the kids. But this should be seen as a positive! Rather than sending kids away for someone else to raise, homeschooling builds strong families.

So you don’t have to send kids “back to school." You can keep them right where they’ve been all summer, at home with mom and dad!

Of course, you are going to need materials. That’s what is for. I have an entire homeschool resource page, and I have written tons of articles on a variety of subjects (listed in the side bar on the left). The best place to begin though is my article, I Want to Homeschool—But Where Do I Start?